Engineering & Development

Together as a team, we look forward to supporting you with our experience.


Benefit from of our experts’ many years of experience! We optimise your process flows and integrate new machines into your plant systems. In this way, we increase the efficiency and productivity of your machinery and deepen your added value.

Our in-house process engineering department is constantly working on the further development of our production technologies and the implementation of new trends.

Quality Management

Keeping up with the times is a major challenge today. The reasons for this include the constant changes in standards and regulations, as well as local differences. We support you with all our experience to meet all legal requirements and work together with you on the validation of your production lines.

For the qualification process we perform tests and prepare samples. In this way, you can prove the proper functioning of each part of the manufacturing system and your end products will reach the required quality level. We also support you in complying with the GAMP regulations (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice).


  • Sauerstoffanreicherung / Karbonisierung von Flüssigkeiten
  • Entgasung von Flüssigkeiten
  • Bioreaktor-Oxygenatoren
Art. Nr. Produkt Abmessungen (Ø/Länge) m/o Anschlüsse Membran Anschlüsse Innere Oberfläche Äußere Oberfläche Intrakapillar-volumen Extrakapillar-volumen
0510142 GTM S 12 / 60 mm PMP FLC 80 cm² 160 cm² 0.6 ml 1.3 ml
0510143 GTM M 21 / 120 mm PMP FLC 0.10 m² 0.19 m² 6 ml 17 ml
0510144 GTM L 26 / 120 mm PMP FLC 0.15 m² 0.29 m² 9 ml 26 ml
MWCO – Molecular Weight Cut-Off; ICS – Intra Capillary Space; ECS – Extra Capillary Space; TMP – Trans-membrane pressure, FLC – Female Luer Connector; Ø – Gehäusedurchmesser; Länge – Gehäuselänge ohne Endkappen und Anschlüsse