modeling of hollow fiber modules

Concept development or feasibility study

You have a product idea? We accompany you as a partner all the way up to the production!

Alpha Plan is at your side from the very first product idea. 

We derive requirements from a well-founded analysis and convert these conclusively into design ideas. Involvement in early phases of product development pays off for you in the long run: The concepts developed in this way take into account not only product and market requirements, but also subsequent production – in particular, the feasibility of the required processes and production technologies.

 The aim of the feasibility study is to develop solutions for you and to work out the optimum concept in close consultation with you.



  • Sauerstoffanreicherung / Karbonisierung von Flüssigkeiten
  • Entgasung von Flüssigkeiten
  • Bioreaktor-Oxygenatoren
Art. Nr. Produkt Abmessungen (Ø/Länge) m/o Anschlüsse Membran Anschlüsse Innere Oberfläche Äußere Oberfläche Intrakapillar-volumen Extrakapillar-volumen
0510142 GTM S 12 / 60 mm PMP FLC 80 cm² 160 cm² 0.6 ml 1.3 ml
0510143 GTM M 21 / 120 mm PMP FLC 0.10 m² 0.19 m² 6 ml 17 ml
0510144 GTM L 26 / 120 mm PMP FLC 0.15 m² 0.29 m² 9 ml 26 ml
MWCO – Molecular Weight Cut-Off; ICS – Intra Capillary Space; ECS – Extra Capillary Space; TMP – Trans-membrane pressure, FLC – Female Luer Connector; Ø – Gehäusedurchmesser; Länge – Gehäuselänge ohne Endkappen und Anschlüsse